About Us

5 Letter Words is a free online resource that allows users to search for words of 5 alphabetical characters in length, with a simple, easy to use interface and intuitive design.

It is also a Wordle inspired hobby site, something put together over the course of a weekend to help Wordlers discover alternative solutions to their available hints...yes, it's not just about arriving at the right answer sooner!

It was designed intuitively, with a focus on creating an easy to use interface. Many similar sites seemed to break down frequently in testing, and with too many form inputs, also resulted in a confusing UI. 5 Letter Words is relatively stripped back by comparison.

I hope you enjoy my website.

I'm also excited to share my latest creation Flag Guess, a game designed for flag enthusiasts and curious minds alike.

Flag Guess is a fun, educational way to test your flag knowledge and enjoy the world of vexillology. I’m proud to share it with you and hope it sparks some interest!"

Feedback, or even ideas, are always welcome at my contact us page.
